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Why Union?

In Union There Is Strength!

         Rights5.jpg                                  Limited Rights Without a Union 

When workers decide to come together as one, they effectively give themselves a voice in the workplace - just like the boss has - through a guaranteed contract. Without a Union, your slice of the job rights pie is very small. The only rights you have are statutory rights such as minimum wage, overtime after 40 hours, OSHA requirements and unemployment insurance.

With a Union, workers retain their statutory rights and also enjoy numerous other slices of the job rights pie - guaranteed in the signed IBEW contract. 

Rights Gained Under an IBEW ContractIBEW contract.jpg


IBEW represents workers at 96 percent of the organized rural electric cooperative utilities.

IBEW is one of the largest unions in North America. We represent 750,000 men and women employed in all phases of electrical and electronics industry: electric and gas utilities, manufacturing, telecommunications, construction, broadcasting, government and railroad sectors.

IBEW represents workers at 70 percent of the organized investor owned utilities.

IBEW has an experienced staff with real expertise in the utility indutry. They assist local unions and members in contract negotiations, grievance and arbitration proceedings, and a number of other arease affecting the everyday work lives of our members. The IBEW has negotiated the best possible wages, working conditions and benefits for our members.

For more information on the History of the IBEW please click the link below.


Page Last Updated: Nov 07, 2012 (09:38:00)
I.B.E.W. Local Union 266
1650 N. 36th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008

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